Catia, Municipio Libertador. Caracas, Venezuela
Catia, Municipio Libertador. Caracas, Venezuela
Project │ Incursiones
Team │ Josymar Rodríguez, María Valentina González, Stefan Gzyl, Alexandra Nuñez, Alfonso Torres.
Allies │ Alimenta la Solidaridad, Caracas Mi Convive, Swiss embassy
Team │ Josymar Rodríguez, María Valentina González, Stefan Gzyl, Alexandra Nuñez, Alfonso Torres.
Allies │ Alimenta la Solidaridad, Caracas Mi Convive, Swiss embassy
In the community of Macarao there is a small patio that precedes the entrance to Acela’s house. It was a covered space right next to the intersection of the main footpaths that linked together various areas of this settlement.
For over one year this space, precariously covered and with dirt floor, was used as a community kitchen that provided daily lunches toover 50 children from Monday to Friday.
In the face of this scenario and recognizing the need to provide a new floor, roof and perimeter to the space, we proposed a steel-frame modular structure that not only provided shelter but also contained, in a compact and effective way, the main requirements of the project: wait, wash and eat. An elevated water tank that supplies a large washbasin, a long communal table and seating, as well as an interactive façade are incorporated into the structure under a gabled roof that protects from the sun and collects water. At the same time, a new concrete bench to define the perimeter, better lighting and concrete tile floors reinforce the public nature of the space and opens the door to new dynamics among local residents.