Las Mercedes. Caracas, Venezuela

Project │ Incursiones
Team │ Josymar Rodríguez, María Valentina González, Stefan Gzyl, Oriana Coello, Alejandro Arias, Nur Abdul, Alfonso Torres, Anahí Contreras, Elisa Rendo, Oriana Álvarez, Ana, Valenzuela, Adriana Miralles
AlliesFondo de Valores Inmobiliarios, Tolón Fashion Mall, Alcaldía de Baruta

The neighborhood of Las Mercedes has conditions that make it of strategic importance within Caracas. Its central location, its accessibility and connectivity, its attractiveness as a a commercial hub, its built heritage and it new zoning regulation make its transformation as a new model of public space a project worth betting on.

We imagine Las Mercedes as a laboratory where, through visible, reachable, concrete actions and projects, we can begin to introduce urban transformations that will eventually have a positive impact in the city at large, changing the way we interact with public spaces, strengthening pedestrian life, street-level commercial activity and public space, especially the street, as the domain for citizen encounter.